(435) 632-8931

About - Cutting Edge Demolition

Delivering exceptional demolition services to Washington County

At Cutting Edge Demolition, our journey began with a shared vision and a passion for transforming spaces. Founded by a team of dedicated professionals with diverse backgrounds in construction and demolition. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to deliver exceptional demolition services with a commitment to cleanliness, responsiveness, and professionalism.
What sets Cutting Edge Demolition apart is our unwavering dedication to innovation and client satisfaction. We started with the belief that every demolition project, whether it’s dustless tile removal or large-scale commercial demolition, should be executed with precision, care, and a forward-thinking mindset. Our founders recognized the need for a company that not only meets industry standards but surpasses them, and that is our commitment.
At the core of our values is a relentless pursuit of excellence. We take pride in being a customer-centric company, where clear communication, responsiveness, and a personalized approach define our interactions with clients. Our journey is a testament to our passion for creating spaces that inspire, and we invite you to experience the Cutting Edge Demolition difference for your next demolition project.
Three pictures of a room being cleaned, showcasing the expertise of Cutting Edge Demolition.

Experience the pinnacle of precision and power with our services – where expertise meets innovation to redefine destruction.